EASE- EuropeAn network of STEAM Educators is a non-profit organization whose activity has the ultimate objective of helping and enhancing the work of all educators and teachers in terms of promoting STEAM skills with children, young people and adults in formal and non-formal education.

Events/ Activities
AI Basics for Schools

AI Basics for Schools

Prof. Teemu Roos from Helsinki University talking and debating the thematic of Artificial Intelligence in Education on the second live event "Live practice with experts" of the MOOC #AIBasicforSchools organized by European Schoolnet...

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STEM Alliance

STEM Alliance

Would you like to present STEM jobs in your classroom? Find out how to do it by joining our competition! #SDC21 integrate STEM Career topics in your classes organise collaborative activities with STEM professionals spark your students' interest in unique STEM careers...

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DigiEduHack is a series of online and offline idea-hackathons happening all around the world during two days, focusing on co-creating the future of education at the digital age.You can vote for this hackathon for 17 days. It's Science, AI, Digital...

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#STEAMIT_project #SDC21

#STEAMIT_project #SDC21

Embrace the creative process of integrated STEM education with the #STEAMIT_project #SDC21 competitions for primary and secondary school teachers! Test one of the STE(A)M IT learning scenarios and write a story of implementation about it Or create your own integrated...

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We start accepting projects from January 5, 2021 to April 5, 2021 Dear friends, I am pleased to invite you to participate in the second national competition with international participation COSMONAUTICS2021. Draw your fantasies and create models of future spaceships....

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We start accepting projects from January 5, 2021 to April 5, 2021 Dear friends, I am pleased to invite you to participate in the second national competition with international participation COSMONAUTICS2021. Draw your fantasies and create models of future spaceships....

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