Hosted by renowned expert Cláudia Amaya from the University of Colorado Boulder, this free event stands as a cornerstone for educators and professionals seeking to revolutionize their teaching methodologies. Set to commence on 20/01/2024 at 11:00 am CET, this two-hour webinar promises an immersive experience, unveiling the myriad possibilities offered by PhET simulations.
Participants will delve into the interactive nature of PhET simulations, fostering active student engagement and conceptual understanding. Unveil the secrets behind integrating PhET sims seamlessly into your classroom environment, catering to diverse learning styles and enhancing whole-class inquiry. Gain insights into leveraging PhET simulations via projectors, interactive whiteboards, and online screen sharing, unraveling the potential of technology as a powerful educational tool.
By providing educators with the necessary tools and strategies to harness the full potential of PhET simulations, this webinar aims to empower a generation of dynamic educators poised to create impactful learning experiences. Embrace the future of education and sign up for this transformative event to unlock the endless possibilities of PhET Interactive Simulations.
Another training activity promoted by EASE.