EASE- EuropeAn network of STEAM Educators is a non-profit organization whose activity has the ultimate objective of helping and enhancing the work of all educators and teachers in terms of promoting STEAM skills with children, young people and adults in formal and non-formal education.

STEAM strategies for primary and secondary education

Regular Price:

Price for EASE members (20% discount):

Start date:

End date:

Enrollment deadline:

Difficulty level:


EASE Academy link:


  • Synchronous training module (Google Meet);
  • Training dates: Tuesdays (20.30h-21.30h CET) from March 07th to Mai 09th;
  • 10 hours of synchronous work and 10 hours of autonomous work;
  • Share your knowledge about STEAM Education: build learning scenarios;
  • Share your knowledge about STEAM Education: practice peer assessement;
  • Learn from experts (Webinars);
  • Live events (meet your peers);
  • Access to innovative teaching materials.
Click to sign up

Training Action Registration form

After completing this form, you must pay the frequency of the training action (buttons at the top), so that it can be carried out. If in doubt, contact us.

This course will help develop a capacity building programme for primary and secondary school STEAM teachers, based on this framework, with a particular focus on the contextualization of STEAM teaching.

STEM education is recognised as a priority in Europe, but students’ interest in pursuing STEM-related studies and careers has not been increasing. In order to reverse this situation, the educational comunity is working in a combination of all of the four disciplines of science, technology, engineering, mathematics as well as non-science classes (the (A) as in “all”) into one learning scenario that is based on connections between the subjects and real-world problems.

  • Competences for 21st Century schools (2 hours)
  • Interdisciplinary STEAM teaching (2 hours)
  • Inovative practices to engage students with STEAM (2 hours)
  • STEAM resources to adress real-life problems (2 hours)
  • STEAM resilience for displaced students (2 hours)
  • Gender stereotypes in STEM education (2 hours)
  • Assessment tools for STEAM activities (2 hours)
  • STEM career pathways (2 hours)

Ana Louro

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