EASE- EuropeAn network of STEAM Educators is a non-profit organization whose activity has the ultimate objective of helping and enhancing the work of all educators and teachers in terms of promoting STEAM skills with children, young people and adults in formal and non-formal education.

Europe Code Week
Dropped by EASE
February 28, 2021
a non-profit organization whose activity has the ultimate objective of helping and enhancing the work of all educators and teachers in terms of promoting STEAM skills with children, young people and adults in formal and non-formal education.
Facebook LinkedIn Gmail Print Friendly STEAM Educators – Europe Code Week is offering free online course on #ArtificialIntelligence for teachers and educators and explore opportunities to teach machine learning in school. No previous experience needed. 8 March – 3 April

STEAM Educators – Europe Code Week is offering free online course on #ArtificialIntelligence for teachers and educators and explore opportunities to teach machine learning in school.

📚 No previous experience needed.

🗓️ 8 March – 3 April

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