EASE- EuropeAn network of STEAM Educators is a non-profit organization whose activity has the ultimate objective of helping and enhancing the work of all educators and teachers in terms of promoting STEAM skills with children, young people and adults in formal and non-formal education.

Alternatives in the educational process Scientix and și Go-Lab
Dropped by Lydya0103
July 09, 2022
EASE- EuropeAn network of STEAM Educators is a non-profit NETWORK. Join us!
Lidia R. STEM, Scientix, Go- Lab, Graasp https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xV8gOMuObWmoh0QJ_mZGM_ZnwNpGpmgb/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=105701021051805019882&rtpof=true&sd=true

Scientix promotes and supports pan-European collaboration between teachers, researchers in the field of education, decision makers and other categories of professionals in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

The main goal of the Scientix platformis to become a space for communication between STEM educational actors that invites them to join the initiative.

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