EASE- EuropeAn network of STEAM Educators is a non-profit organization whose activity has the ultimate objective of helping and enhancing the work of all educators and teachers in terms of promoting STEAM skills with children, young people and adults in formal and non-formal education.

STEM in Education
Dropped by Lydya0103
April 10, 2021
a non-profit organization whose activity has the ultimate objective of helping and enhancing the work of all educators and teachers in terms of promoting STEAM skills with children, young people and adults in formal and non-formal education.
Facebook LinkedIn Gmail Print Friendly STEM  encompasses a wide range of topics that fall into each of these terms – Science – Technology – Engineering and Mathematics, and the STEM fields are found in each of the components of our daily lives.  The whole economy revolves around mathematics: accounting, economics, functions and logarithms, and calculus. […]

STEM  encompasses a wide range of topics that fall into each of these terms – Science – Technology – Engineering and Mathematics, and the STEM fields are found in each of the components of our daily lives.

 The whole economy revolves around mathematics: accounting, economics, functions and logarithms, and calculus. The architecture industry focuses on mathematics, such as urban development and urban planning. Medical research is fueled by the study of chemistry and biology, and environmental efforts, such as sustainable energy and nuclear energy, are also being mastered in the sciences.

STEM is essential for the education system and teachers in schools should build a stronger curriculum around these topics. Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. STEM careers are some of the fastest and highest paid in the 21st century and often have the greatest potential for job growth.

 Building a solid STEM foundation through a well-defined curriculum will be a good way to ensure that students are exposed to math, science and technology throughout their educational careers.

The students are extremely curious and impressed, they show interest from an early age that could cause a long-term desire to continue their career in any of these fields. To enter the labor market a student must be well prepared, have sufficient knowledge and skills to make important contributions to the STEM industry.

Schools must have sufficient teachers with experience in STEM, and these topics should always be considered as topics of utmost importance.

The students should be prepared to think deeply and well so that they have the chance to become innovators, educators, researchers and leaders who can solve the most pressing challenges facing our nation.   The students do not have access to quality STEM learning opportunities and too few consider these subjects as platforms for their careers. Creative and innovative methods must be used in the classroom to address these challenges to STEM and to meet the needs of students in STEM orientation.

Science is a subject that encompasses everything in life, helps students make connections with real life, helps them to explain and appreciate in various ways to understand our world. Through the efficient use of new technologies, students and teachers can be prepared to acquire the necessary skills in order to carry out activities based on the knowledge society.

The implementation of a STEM education in the school will lead to innovation, to new products and processes that will support the future economy. Innovation in science will depend on a solid knowledge base in STEM, and most jobs in the future will require knowledge in science, technology and mathematics.

To succeed in this society, easier access to new information technologies should be made more flexible, in which the students have to  develop their STEM skills to a much higher level than what was considered acceptable in the past. The way to bridge the gap between skills and abilities is to help, train students to develop their interest, collaboration, critical thinking to develop the necessary skills and succeed in the global economy.

STEM education is needed because the demand for skilled workers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is closely linked to competitiveness. How can students be advised and inspired to solve problems in various fields if they are not oriented in this field.

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