EASE- EuropeAn network of STEAM Educators is a non-profit organization whose activity has the ultimate objective of helping and enhancing the work of all educators and teachers in terms of promoting STEAM skills with children, young people and adults in formal and non-formal education.

Dropped by EASE
February 05, 2023
a non-profit organization whose activity has the ultimate objective of helping and enhancing the work of all educators and teachers in terms of promoting STEAM skills with children, young people and adults in formal and non-formal education.
Facebook LinkedIn Gmail Print Friendly Workspaces, tools and machines for all creative people, schools and companies in the Mödling region. Since 2014, the HAND.WERK.STADT, as an open workshop, has offered all people from the Mödling region a place where they can develop handicraft skills and work handicrafts across generations. The HAND.WERK.STADT provides work rooms, production […]

Workspaces, tools and machines for all creative people, schools and companies in the Mödling region.

Since 2014, the HAND.WERK.STADT, as an open workshop, has offered all people from the Mödling region a place where they can develop handicraft skills and work handicrafts across generations. The HAND.WERK.STADT provides work rooms, production machines, equipment, tools and expertise for this purpose.

With over 50 active members between the ages of 15 and 80, HAND.WERK.STADT has established itself as a creative workspace, makerspace and fab lab in the Mödling region.

The HAND.WERK.STADT can be used by citizens from the Mödling region:

  • Private individuals: From students to seniors
  • clubs and schools
  • research institutions
  • self-employed and companies

Hand.Werk.Stadt has also very relevant social programs as “Bikes for Ukrainians: within and your children”. In this project, they have been looking for donation bikes via the district newspaper and notices in the Mödling district in order to send these to displaced Ukrainians and their children. “The willingness to help of the people of Mödling is unparalleled,” says Helmut Egger, one of the volunteer bike hosts.

Another project is called “Future grant for Ukrainians and their children”. This future subsidy is a HAND.WERK.STADT funding program for people in need. The donations collected by HAND.WERK.STADT specifically for the future subsidy make possible for people to use the HAND.WERK.STADT offers at a reduced price. Half of the price for each day pass is covered by the future subsidy. “The donations collected are an important future grant for needy people who are poor or have fled – such as the Ukrainian women and their children,” says Georg Schibranji, chairman and director of HAND.WERK.STADT. “Thanks to the donations, these people can use the HAND.WERK.STADT to arrive, to find support and to be effective themselves.”


Source: https://www.handwerkstadt.org/
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