Spring Conference
April 30th – May 2nd 2025 | Thessaloniki (GREECE)
Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths in all subjects. Meet with EASE educators and board members from all around Europe.
Call for Participants EASE SPRING CONFERENCE MAY-APRIL 2025, THESSALONIKI, GREECE- free of charge!
Event dates: April 30th to May 2nd
Travel dates: April 29th and May 3rd
Embrace the future of education with EASE and share your insights in good practices of inclusive STEAM Education.
The principal thematic areas to which we invite responses are:
Project based learning, AI in education, Computational thinking, Meaningful making (digital fabrication, computer aided design, …), Physical computing, Circular design, Gender equality and STEAM, Curriculum design, STEAM approaches and methods, …
Transform the way you teach, learn, and innovate with this cutting-edge tool at your fingertips.
A dissemination area for materials and outcomes from implemented projects and initiatives, and an option for a poster session will be available.
The conference participants will receive a certificate of participation.
Register today and meet people who share your passion for STEAM!
Registration must be completed by January 30th, 2025!
Who can participate?
All educators, trainers, administrators, policy makers and counselors who are interested in integrating STEAM in education are welcome to join the EASE Spring Conference in Thessaloniki (Greece), MAY 30th- APRIL 2nd 2025.
We would like to hear from educators interested in STEAM thinking and the application of transdisciplinary methods to foster and enable innovation.
We welcome submissions for a 15 min seminar or a practical workshop for fellow educators up to 1.5 hour.
Submission form: https://rb.gy/3m9bia
All proposals will be reviewed. Selected speakers, with priority given to EASE members, are offered funding opportunity for traveling and lodging.
If you are not a member you can join the EASE network here.
Important dates:
3rd January 2024 Deadline for abstract proposal submissions
4th January – 10th February 2024 Review of abstracts
10th February — 25 February 2024 Notifications of acceptance, details of the possibly assigned grant & invitation to fill in the activity form in more details
10th February Conference registration opens for participants
26th February — 10 March Window to submit final presentations/activity
15th March Publication of the conference agenda
15th April — 18th April Conference
Grant for selected Speakers
Selected speakers, with priority given to EASE members, are offered this unique opportunity with the following grant:
- €300 travel expenses (you need to provide an invoice, copy of your ticket, and boarding pass)
- Shared accommodation with 2-3 people/room (men and women in separate accommodation)
- Coffee breaks in school
- Daily lunch in school
- One dinner with all participants
- Free attendance with valuable content during the entire conference
- Certificate of participation
Benefits for participants
Transform the way you teach and meet others that share your passion for STEAM.
- Participants will receive a certificate of participation;
- A dissemination area for materials and outcomes from implemented projects and initiatives, and an option for a poster session will be available;
- Join EASE as a member during the conference and get free shared access to the revolutionary ChatGPT 4o for the whole year of your membership.
Additional advantages for EASE members
Join EASE today and submit your proposal and discover a myriad of benefits, including free shared access to the revolutionary ChatGPT 4. Transform the way you teach, learn, and innovate with this cutting-edge tool at your fingertips.
Extra Information
The 3rd EASE Spring Conference takes place over 4 days and will be hosted at Anatolia College, Thessaloniki, Greece.
For inspiration watch the fantastic array of STEAM presentations from our EASE Summits.
If you are not a member you can join the EASE network here.
Spring Conference registration
We are pleased to invite you to be a Speaker at the EuropeAn network of STEAM Educators – EASE Spring Conference 2025 in Thessaloniki, Greece from April 30th to May 2nd 2025 featuring distinguished contributors across Europe! Your topic could revolve around innovative practices, methodologies, tools, and/or practical workshops aimed at teachers, educators, and managers in STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics)/Maker Education.
It could be in the form of a talk (10 minutes or 20 minutes), or a practical workshop (1.5 h). For inspiration, you can see the topics we covered during our last two EASE Summits
The organising committee is offering limited grants that cover the following:
- €300 travel expenses (you need to provide an invoice, copy of your ticket, and boarding pass)
- shared accommodation with 2 people/room (men and women in separate accommodation)
- Coffee breaks in school
- Daily lunch in school
- One dinner with all the participants
- breakfast at the accommodation
- Free attendance with valuable content during the entire conference
- Certificate of participation
Please note that in order to be eligible for funding you will need to:
- be fluent in English
- attend the entire conference
The event will take place in Anatolia College Thessaloniki,Greece Ideally, you would travel to Thessaloniki on April 29th and leave on May 4th.
If you are interested please fill out the form https://forms.gle/H6o6U5mFsoh42LZL7 until January 30th, 2025
If you are not already an EASE member, you can register here – https://ease-educators.com/membership/
Organizing Committee
Spring Conference 2025
EuropeAn network of STEAM educators